After I decided to start write things down, the first tool that I found for this task was Jekyll - a static site generator supported by GitHub Pages. It was very useful for creating the first version of this blog, but finally, I decided to use Grain (hope to present it in the following article). As a result of playing with Jekyll, in this article I will show how to build a simple blog using Jekyll as static site generator, GitHub Pages as static site server and Asciidoc as markdown language. We will create a blog from scratch, add new posts and change default configuration and web pages layout using mentioned technologies.
Using Jekyll, Asciidoctor and GitHub Pages for Static Site Creation
'What Mr. Spock Would Possibly Say About Modern Unit Testing: Pragmatic and Emotional Overview' Talk at JavaDay Kharkiv 2016
What Mr. Spock Would Possibly Say About Modern Unit Testing: Pragmatic and Emotional Overview
We will try to examine current state of the automated testing concept in the Java world. As a reference, we will go through basic and advanced spock-framework features and compare them with what JUnit4/JUnit5/TestNG/Hamcrest/AssertJ/Mockito/whatever can offer instead. We will try to understand Spock philosophy and find out both pragmatic and emotional answer to the questions: should I use spock-framework in the year of 2016? how to convince my manager that 'yes, we should'? how to convince my teammates that 'no, we shouldn’t'?